A Must-Watch for Every Shark Lover

Independent Movie Review recently reviewed Unmasking Monsters Below and said, “This documentary is a must-watch for every shark lover.”

In addition to the above quote J. Zimmerman also had this to say about our the movie…

“The ocean is a beautiful place filled with mystery. To some, it’s also filled with monsters. Since the era of exploration, man has put many faces on these monsters of the deep to represent their fear of the unknown. Justin Sago is a filmmaker with a passion for one of the sea’s most misunderstood residents: Sharks. Unmasking Monsters Below serves several purposes. On a high level, it is an exploration of the behavior of sharks and the people who love them. Diving deeper, the documentary serves to biographize those involved with the documentary, recording the history of their love of sharks and conservation activism.”

To read the full review head on over to Independent Movie Review and check it out.

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